Deep Clean Detail

Our deep clean brings cars that are heavily contaminated with dirt and grime, back to a point where they can easily be maintained with regular washes.

Our deep clean is a very thourough process with the use of high quality products and techniques, all aimed to elavate your car back to its former glory. 

  • A full decontamination of the cars paintwork and wheels using pre-wash and snow foam.
  • Thourough cleanse of the areas that harbor road grime such as the wheel wells, door sills and any other finite areas of the car.
  • A full contact wash using high quality wash mitts and detailing brushes.
  • Engine bay detail  
  • Hydrophobic coating applied to the exterior paintwork to ensure easier washing in the future.
  • Complete cleanse of interior areas
  • Application of material specific protective coatings
  • Exterior glass protective coating
  • Application of aroma spray.
  • Top up of washer fluid.

Once the 'Deep clean' has been completed, our 'Maintenance detail' comes into play to keep your car in the best condition throughout your ownership.

You can book a Deep Clean detail by following the link below or call us directly to discuss your needs.


Once your booked in all thats left to do is drop your car off at our site!

Our 'Deep clean' costs £200 for sports and small/medium sized cars, and £250 for SUV's.